
Monday 17 May 2010

New member video

One of our brilliant members, Harriet, RockyHorrorShow on Stardoll, (or RockyHorrifying on this blog and YouTube) sent in her entry to our video competition "Ideas in motion". And we think it's excellent. Although very few people have entered - I'm honestly not trying to point fingers - the quality of the few entries we have are excellent.

Because it's already up on our YouTube channel, and because it takes so much time to upload to this blog, I'm just going to paste the link:

There's still time to enter if you haven't already. The closing date is the 31st of this month. See our previous post about it for details or email us if you have any questions.

Well done Harriet, we love this video. Very creative - very powerful. Thumbs up!


  1. The heat from your not-pointed finger makes my cheeks burn with shame, but I SWEAR an entry from moi WILL be coming. Promise. Promise promise. At some point.

    funny_hats x

  2. Also Harriet that was brilliant! I love Florence xxx

  3. that video was really good! cool choice of song, the words created almost a paralell with what you were saying. really cool :)
