
Saturday 16 January 2010

A homegrown video

In light of our proposal to hold a competition for the best homemade short-film against the death penalty, we, the directors of Death Watch; Stardoll, decided to make our own, to give you an idea about what the hell we're talking about!

Unfortunately, ScofieldBurrows has exams in just over a fortnight and was unable to take time from her revision to make her own video, so we combined ideas and I made this!

After deciding what to do, the entire video took a little over one hour to make, including the photography involved, and that's because I'm a perfectionist. It doesn't take much time or effort to make a one-minute movie :)

The song is 'Mad World' if you're wondering. I forget who it's by.



  1. Gary Jules and somebody else :)

    BUT this is great, inspired in fact, I love it! x

    (OH BY THE WAY, I am funny_hats.)

  2. Also, by the way, Scofield you work too hard! I didn't start revising for my GCSEs until the night before the first one, and I turned out fine :)
